Chapter 12: Modeling categorical relationships
Chapter 12: Modeling categorical relationships#
theme_set(theme_minimal(base_size = 14))
set.seed(123456) # set random seed to exactly replicate results
# load the NHANES data library
# drop duplicated IDs within the NHANES dataset
NHANES_adult <-
drop_na(Weight) %>%
── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.2 ──
✔ ggplot2 3.4.1 ✔ purrr 1.0.1
✔ tibble 3.1.8 ✔ dplyr 1.1.0
✔ tidyr 1.3.0 ✔ stringr 1.5.0
✔ readr 2.1.4 ✔ forcats 1.0.0
── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
✖ dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag()
Attaching package: ‘kableExtra’
The following object is masked from ‘package:dplyr’:
Loading required package: coda
Loading required package: Matrix
Attaching package: ‘Matrix’
The following objects are masked from ‘package:tidyr’:
expand, pack, unpack
Welcome to BayesFactor 0.9.12-4.4. If you have questions, please contact Richard Morey (
Type BFManual() to open the manual.
Attaching package: ‘sfsmisc’
The following object is masked from ‘package:dplyr’:
Table 12.1#
candyDf <-
`Candy Type` = c("chocolate", "licorice", "gumball"),
count = c(30, 33, 37)
# kable(candyDf, caption='Counts of different candies in our bag.')
# compute chi-squared statistic
candyDf <- candyDf %>%
mutate(nullExpectation =c(1 / 3, 1 / 3, 1 / 3) * sum(candyDf$count),
`squared difference`=(count - nullExpectation)**2)
# kable(candyDf, digits=3, caption='Observed counts, expectations under the null hypothesis, and squared differences in the candy data')
Candy Type | count | nullExpectation | squared difference |
<chr> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> |
chocolate | 30 | 33.33333 | 11.1111111 |
licorice | 33 | 33.33333 | 0.1111111 |
gumball | 37 | 33.33333 | 13.4444444 |
Figure 12.1#
chisqVal <-
((candyDf$count - candyDf$nullExpectation)**2) / candyDf$nullExpectation
xvals <- seq(0.01, 20, 0.01)
dfvals <- c(1, 2, 4, 8)
chisqDf <-
data.frame(xvals, dfvals) %>%
complete(xvals, dfvals)
chisqDf <-
chisqDf %>%
mutate(chisq = dchisq(x = xvals, df = dfvals),
dfvals= as.factor(dfvals)) %>%
group_by(dfvals) %>%
mutate(chisqNorm = chisq / max(chisq),
p1 <- ggplot(chisqDf, aes(xvals, chisqNorm, group = Df, linetype = Df)) +
geom_line() +
theme(legend.position = c(0.8, 0.7)) +
fill = "Degrees of freedom",
color = "Degrees of freedom",
x = "Chi-squared values"
) + ylab('Density')
# simulate 50,000 sums of 8 standard normal random variables and compare
# to theoretical chi-squared distribution
# create a matrix with 50k columns of 8 rows of squared normal random variables
d <- replicate(50000, rnorm(n = 8, mean = 0, sd = 1)**2)
# sum each column of 8 variables
dMean <- apply(d, 2, sum)
# create a data frame of the theoretical chi-square distribution
# with 8 degrees of freedom
csDf <-
data.frame(x = seq(0.01, 30, 0.01)) %>%
mutate(chisq = dchisq(x, 8))
pval <- pchisq(chisqVal, df = 2, lower.tail = FALSE) #df = degrees of freedom
p2 <- ggplot(data.frame(dMean),aes(dMean)) +
geom_histogram(aes(y=after_stat(density)),bins=100, fill='gray') +
xlim(0,30) + ylim(0,.12) +
y = "Density",
x = "Sum of squared random normal variables"
plot_grid(p1, p2)
Warning message:
“Removed 11 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_bin()`).”
Warning message:
“Removed 2 rows containing missing values (`geom_bar()`).”
Table 12.2#
# load police stop data after preprocessing using code/
stopData <-
read_csv("",show_col_types = FALSE) %>%
rename(searched = search_conducted)
# compute and print two-way contingency table
summaryDf2way <-
stopData %>%
count(searched, driver_race) %>%
arrange(driver_race, searched)
summaryContingencyTable <-
summaryDf2way %>%
spread(driver_race, n)
# Compute and print contingency table using proportions
# rather than raw frequencies
summaryContingencyTable <-
summaryContingencyTable %>%
`Black (relative)` = Black / nrow(stopData), #count of Black individuals searched / total searched
`White (relative)` = White / nrow(stopData)
# kable(summaryContingencyTable, digits=3, caption='Contingency table for police search data')
searched | Black | White | Black (relative) | White (relative) |
<lgl> | <int> | <int> | <dbl> | <dbl> |
FALSE | 36244 | 239241 | 0.129529827 | 0.85500622 |
TRUE | 1219 | 3108 | 0.004356497 | 0.01110746 |
Chi-squared test result#
# first, compute the marginal probabilities
# probability of being each race
summaryDfRace <-
stopData %>%
count(driver_race) %>% #count the number of drivers of each race
prop = n / sum(n) #compute the proportion of each race out of all drivers
# probability of being searched
summaryDfStop <-
stopData %>%
count(searched) %>% #count the number of searched vs. not searched
prop = n / sum(n) # compute proportion of each outcome out all traffic stops
# We can use a linear algebra trick known as the "outer product"
# (via the `outer()` function) to compute this easily.
# second, multiply outer product by n (all stops) to compute expected frequencies
expected <- outer(summaryDfRace$prop, summaryDfStop$prop) * nrow(stopData)
# create a data frame of expected frequencies for each race
expectedDf <-
data.frame(expected, driverRace = c("Black", "White")) %>%
NotSearched = X1,
Searched = X2
# tidy the data frame
expectedDfTidy <-
gather(expectedDf, searched, n, -driverRace) %>%
arrange(driverRace, searched)
# third, add expected frequencies to the original summary table
# and fourth, compute the standardized squared difference between
# the observed and expected frequences
summaryDf2way <-
summaryDf2way %>%
mutate(expected = expectedDfTidy$n)
summaryDf2way <-
summaryDf2way %>%
mutate(stdSqDiff = (n - expected)**2 / expected)
chisq <- sum(summaryDf2way$stdSqDiff)
pval <- pchisq(chisq, df = 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
#kable(summaryDf2way, digits=2,caption='Summary of the 2-way contingency table for police search data')
# first need to rearrange the data into a 2x2 table
summaryDf2wayTable <-
summaryDf2way %>%
dplyr::select(-expected, -stdSqDiff) %>%
spread(searched, n) %>%
chisqTestResult <- chisq.test(summaryDf2wayTable, 1, correct = FALSE)
Pearson's Chi-squared test
data: summaryDf2wayTable
X-squared = 828.3, df = 1, p-value < 2.2e-16
Table 12.4#
# compute standardized residuals
summaryDfResids <-
summaryDf2way %>%
mutate(`Standardized residuals` = (n - expected)/sqrt(expected)) %>%
dplyr::select(-n, -expected, -stdSqDiff)
searched | driver_race | Standardized residuals |
<lgl> | <chr> | <dbl> |
FALSE | Black | -3.330746 |
TRUE | Black | 26.576456 |
FALSE | White | 1.309550 |
TRUE | White | -10.449072 |
Bayes factor#
# compute Bayes factor
# using independent multinomial sampling plan in which row totals (driver race)
# are fixed
bf <-
sampleType = "indepMulti",
fixedMargin = "cols"
Bayes factor analysis
[1] Non-indep. (a=1) : 1.753219e+142 ±0%
Against denominator:
Null, independence, a = 1
Bayes factor type: BFcontingencyTable, independent multinomial
Table 12.5#
# summarize depression as a function of sleep trouble
depressedSleepTrouble <-
NHANES_adult %>%
drop_na(SleepTrouble, Depressed) %>%
count(SleepTrouble, Depressed) %>%
arrange(SleepTrouble, Depressed)
depressedSleepTroubleTable <-
depressedSleepTrouble %>%
spread(SleepTrouble, n) %>%
NoSleepTrouble = No,
YesSleepTrouble = Yes
#kable(depressedSleepTroubleTable, caption="Relationship between depression and sleep problems in the NHANES dataset")
Depressed | NoSleepTrouble | YesSleepTrouble |
<fct> | <int> | <int> |
None | 2614 | 676 |
Several | 418 | 249 |
Most | 138 | 145 |
Chi-squared result#
# need to remove the column with the label names
depressedSleepTroubleTable <-
depressedSleepTroubleTable %>%
depressedSleepChisq <- chisq.test(depressedSleepTroubleTable)
Pearson's Chi-squared test
data: depressedSleepTroubleTable
X-squared = 191.46, df = 2, p-value < 2.2e-16
Bayes factor#
# compute bayes factor, using a joint multinomial sampling plan
bf <-
sampleType = "jointMulti"
Bayes factor analysis
[1] Non-indep. (a=1) : 1.796345e+35 ±0%
Against denominator:
Null, independence, a = 1
Bayes factor type: BFcontingencyTable, joint multinomial