Chapter 10: Quantifying effects and designing studies
Chapter 10: Quantifying effects and designing studies#
import pandas as pd
import sidetable
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from scipy.stats import norm, t, binom, ttest_ind, bootstrap
import pingouin as pg
import matplotlib
from statsmodels.stats.power import TTestIndPower
import rpy2.robjects as ro
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr
from rpy2.robjects import pandas2ri
from rpy2.robjects.conversion import localconverter
# import NHANES package
base = importr('NHANES')
with localconverter(ro.default_converter + pandas2ri.converter):
NHANES = ro.conversion.rpy2py(ro.r['NHANES'])
NHANES = NHANES.drop_duplicates(subset='ID')
NHANES_adult = NHANES.dropna(subset=['PhysActive', 'Weight', 'BPSysAve', 'Height']).query('Age > 17 and BPSysAve > 0')
rng = np.random.default_rng(1234)
Figure 10.1#
sample_ci = []
sampSize = 250
nsamples = 100
cutoff_lower = t.ppf(0.025, sampSize - 1)
cutoff_upper = t.ppf(0.975, sampSize - 1)
popMean = NHANES_adult.Weight.mean()
for i in range(nsamples):
samp = NHANES_adult.sample(sampSize, random_state=rng).Weight
SEM = samp.std() / np.sqrt(sampSize)
ci_lower = samp.mean() + cutoff_lower * SEM
ci_upper = samp.mean() + cutoff_upper * SEM
sample_ci.append([ci_lower, ci_upper, ci_upper > popMean and ci_lower < popMean ])
sample_ci_df = pd.DataFrame(sample_ci, columns=['ci_lower', 'ci_upper', 'CI captures mean'])
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
for i in range(nsamples):
plt.plot([i, i], [sample_ci_df.loc[i, 'ci_lower'], sample_ci_df.loc[i, 'ci_upper']],
color='green' if sample_ci_df.loc[i, 'CI captures mean'] else 'red')
# plt.legend(['True', 'False'], title='CI captures mean')
plt.plot([0, nsamples], [popMean, popMean], color='k', linestyle='dashed')
plt.ylabel('Weight (kg)')
Text(0.5, 0, 'samples')
Figure 10.2#
NHANES_sample = NHANES_adult.sample(sampSize)
meanWeight = NHANES_sample.Weight.mean()
ssDf = pd.DataFrame({'sampSize': [10,20,30,40,50,75,100,200,300,400,500]})
ssDf['meanWeight'] = meanWeight
ssDf['ci_lower'] = t.ppf(0.025, ssDf.sampSize - 1) * NHANES_sample.Weight.std() / np.sqrt(ssDf.sampSize)
ssDf['ci_upper'] = t.ppf(0.975, ssDf.sampSize - 1) * NHANES_sample.Weight.std() / np.sqrt(ssDf.sampSize)
plt.errorbar(x=ssDf.sampSize, y=ssDf.meanWeight, yerr = ssDf[['ci_upper']].values.T)
plt.xlabel("Sample size")
plt.ylabel( "Mean Weight")
Text(0, 0.5, 'Mean Weight')
Bootstrap confidence intervals
bs = bootstrap((NHANES_sample.Weight.values,), statistic=np.mean, method='percentile',
ConfidenceInterval(low=79.79784000000001, high=84.87324000000001)
Figure 10.3#
sns.kdeplot(data=NHANES_sample, x='Height', hue='Gender')
tt = pg.ttest(x=NHANES_sample.query('Gender == "female"').Height,
y=NHANES_sample.query('Gender == "male"').Height,
alternative='greater', correction=True)
T | dof | alternative | p-val | CI95% | cohen-d | BF10 | power | |
T-test | -17.049088 | 241.863408 | greater | 1.0 | [-17.97, inf] | 2.165245 | 4.099e-41 | 0.0 |
Figure 10.4#
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(12,8))
corrvals = [1,0.5,0,-0.5,-1]
for i in range(2):
for j in range(3):
idx = i * 3 + j
if idx >= len(corrvals):
corr = corrvals[idx]
simdata = np.random.multivariate_normal(
mean=[0, 0],
cov = [[1, corr], [corr, 1]],
size = 50)
ax[i][j].scatter(simdata[:, 0], simdata[:, 1])
ax[i][j].set_title(f'r = {corr:.2f}')
Figure 10.5#
powervals = [(s, e, a) for s in [12, 24, 48, 96] for e in [.2, .5, .8] for a in [0.005, 0.05]]
powerDf = pd.DataFrame(powervals, columns=['sampSizePerGroup', 'effectSize', 'alpha'])
def runPowerSim(sampSizePerGroup, effectSize, alpha, nsims=1000):
p = []
for i in range(nsims):
a = rng.normal(size=sampSizePerGroup)
b = rng.normal(size=sampSizePerGroup) + effectSize
p.append(pg.ttest(x=a, y=b,correction=True)['p-val'][0])
return(np.mean(np.array(p) < alpha))
powerDf['power'] = None
for i in powerDf.index:
powerDf.loc[i, 'power'] = runPowerSim(
powerDf.loc[i, 'sampSizePerGroup'],
powerDf.loc[i, 'effectSize'],
powerDf.loc[i, 'alpha'])
sns.lineplot(data=powerDf, x='sampSizePerGroup',
y='power', hue='effectSize', ci=None,
style='alpha', palette='colorblind')
/tmp/ipykernel_1272/ FutureWarning:
The `ci` parameter is deprecated. Use `errorbar=None` for the same effect.
sns.lineplot(data=powerDf, x='sampSizePerGroup',
<Axes: xlabel='sampSizePerGroup', ylabel='power'>
Power analyses#
obj = TTestIndPower()
n = obj.solve_power(effect_size=0.5, alpha=0.05, power=0.8,
ratio=1, alternative='two-sided')
print(f'd = 0.5, n = {n:.2f} in each group')
n = obj.solve_power(effect_size=2, alpha=0.05, power=0.8,
ratio=1, alternative='two-sided')
print(f'd = 2, n = {n:.2f} in each group')
d = 0.5, n = 63.77 in each group
d = 2, n = 5.09 in each group
/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/scipy/stats/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in _nct_sf
return np.clip(_boost._nct_sf(x, df, nc), 0, 1)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/scipy/stats/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in _nct_cdf
return np.clip(_boost._nct_cdf(x, df, nc), 0, 1)